Water Efficiency Watch Newsletter

Water Efficiency Watch is the quarterly newsletter of the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE).  Each issue contains a collection of the latest information on water efficiency and conservation from across North America, as well as updates from AWE and member organizations. 

Current Newsletter

24-7 #105 July WEW 2024 - 2024 Symposium; Research Updates; Policy Updates; Member Spotlights; News Briefs.


Archived Issues


24-4 #104 April WEW 2024 - New Board Members; 2024 Symposium; Research Updates; Policy Updates; Member Spotlights; News Briefs.

24-1 #103 January WEW 2024 - Upcoming Events; Policy Updates; Research Updates; Member Spotlights; News Briefs.


23-10 #102 October WEW 2023 - 2023 Water Efficiency & Conservation Symposium; Policy Updates; Research Updates;  Member Spotlights; News Briefs.

23-7 #101 July WEW 2023 - 2023 Water Efficiency & Conservation Symposium; Policy Updates; Research Updates;  Member Spotlights; News Briefs.

23-3 #100 March WEW 2023 - 2023 Water Efficiency & Conservation Symposium; Policy Updates; AWE Updates; News from Members and Partners; Member Spotlights; News Briefs.


22-7 #99 WEW July 2022 - Thank you Water Efficiency Professionals; Legislative Update; AWE Updates; News from Members and Partners; Member Spotlights; News Briefs.

22-5 #98 WEW May 2022 - AWE Roundtable on Delivering Water Conservation Programs to Disadvantaged Households: Recap; AWE Regional Member Meetings; WaterSmart Drought Resiliency and Water Efficiency Grants; Water Funding in President Biden’s Budget; Member Spotlights; Next Generation Water Summit; Value of Water Survey Shows Americans Support Water Infrastructure Investment; Utah Legislation Addresses Water Shortages; News Briefs

22-3 #97 WEW March 2022 - Fix a Leak Week; Member Spotlights; AWE Webinars and Roundtable Discussion; Emerging Water Technology Symposium; Exemplary Wholesalers added to AWE’s G480-20 Leaderboard; DOE Finalizes Rules to Revert to Standards for Showerheads, Dishwashers and Clothes washers; Apply for SWAT Award; Next Generation Water Summit; AWE Sponsorship Opportunities; News Briefs.

22-1 #96 WEW January 2022 - Department of Energy Officially Reverses Weakened Showerhead Standards; Tax-Free Water Conservation Rebates; States Volunteer to Take More Cuts in Colorado River Water; New Report - Integrating Land Use and Water Management; Welcome New Directors to AWE Board; Thank You, Bill; WateReuse Symposium; California Irrigation Institute Conference; Member Spotlights; News Briefs.


21-11 #95 WEW November 2021 - WaterSmart Innovations Recap; AWE Direct Distribution Programs with Flume and Rachio; AWE Comment Letter in favor of WaterSense Funding; NAWL 2021; Abstracts for EWTS; Learning Landscapes Grant Awardees; Member Spotlight; World Toilet Day; News Briefs.

21-9 #94 WEW September 2021 - AWE Launches Version 4.0 of Water Conservation Tracking Tool; Lake Mead Water Shortage; WSI and AWE Meetings in Las Vegas; Imagine a Day Without Water; DOE Proposes Reversal of Weakened Water Efficiency Standards; Legislative Update; Emerging Water Technology Symposium - Submit Abstracts; 37th Annual WateReuse Symposium; USBR WaterSMART Grants; AWE Member Spotlight; News Briefs.

21-7 #93 WEW July 2021 - WaterSmart Innovations Conference and AWE Meetings; AWE Launches Pilot Program for Whole-Home Flow Monitoring Devices and Smart Irrigation Controllers; AWE Sends Letter Asking for Water Efficiency Funding; New G480 Water Conservation Standard; AWE Grant Program Funds Educational Gardens; Examining the Water and Land Use Connection in Water Utility Planning Requirements; Smart Irrigation Month; Drought Response Resources; Peter Mayer Wins George Anderson Award; AWE Member Spotlight; News in Brief.

21-5 #92 WEW May 2021 - American West Prepares for Drought; Water Data Breakthrough - Flume Introduces Quarterly Household Water Use Index; Promising Water Investments in Proposed Infrastructure Bill; AWE Launches First-Ever Cooling Tower Estimating Model; A Review of Connection Fees and Service Charges by Meter Size; Next Generation Water Summit; AWWA ACE; California Peer to Peer Conference; WaterSmart Innovations; News in Brief.

21-3 #91 WEW March 2021 - AWE Hires Ron Burke as President and CEO; AWE Releases Cooling Tower Estimating Model and Guide; Ron Voglewede Appointed to Michigan Council on Climate Solutions; WSI 2021; Legal Appeal of DOE Rulemakings; AWWA Releases New G480 Standard; New EPA Specifications; Fix a Leak Week; Tax-Exempt Rebates in GREEN Act; Upcoming Webinars; AWE Corporate Advisory Council; News Briefs.

21-1 #90 WEW January 2021 - Department of Energy Issues Final Rules That Slash Efficiency Standards; AWE and Water & Planning Network Host a Webinar; Welcome to Two New AWE Board Members; New Category of G480 Verification; Open Channel Systems; Fix a Leak Week; AWE Member Interview: Jill Greiner; Beta Test the Revamped Home Water Works Site; WaterSmart Innovations Conference and Exposition Issues Call for Abstracts; and more.


20-11 #89 WEW November 2020 - AWE Files Comments on Proposed DOE Showerhead and Clothes Washer Regulations; Executive Order on Water Infrastructure; Learning Landscapes Grant Awardees; AWE Webinar with Vessel the Leak Detecting Dog; CalWEP Peer to Peer; AWE Water Star Award; AWE Welcomes New Program Associate; City of Hillsboro, Oregon Deploys In-PRV Pressure Management & Micro-hydro System; AWE New Member Spotlight – Metrus Energy; and more.

20-9 #88 WEW September 2020 - Trump Administration Rolls Back Showerhead and Clothes Washer Efficiency; Tribute to A Water Conservation Warrior; Introduction to Conservation Planning Course with Amy Vickers; G480 Update; Chronic Underinvestment in America’s Water Infrastructure Puts the Economy at Risk; Interview with SCV’s Matt Dickens; “Sustainable Waters” Maps Water Shortages; Census Data Helps Conservation Planning; News briefs and member updates.

20-7 #87 WEW July 2020 - AWE Releases Report on Water Affordability in Detroit; Congress Passes HR 2—Includes Tax Exemption for Water Conservation Rebates; Smart Irrigation Month; Upcoming Conferences; Texas Water Conservation Scorecard; Still Time to Support WaterSense; Tom Ash, Tireless Water Conservation Missionary; Business Member Spotlight: ConserveTrack; and much more.

20-5 #86 WEW May 2020 - WaterSense Needs Your Help; Learning Landscapes Grant Program; #GivingTuesdayNow; Water Sector Vigilance in response to COVID-19; 84% of Americans Want Increased Investment in Water; CalWEP Tools and Tips for Working at Home; Register for the next Innovations in Efficiency Webinar; Member Interview with Jennifer Walker; Conferences Rescheduled.

20-3 #85 WEW March 2020 - WaterWays Platform launched as New AWE Member Benefit; Fix a Leak Week; World Water Day; Lake Mead Rising; Are Our Water Efficiency Standards Still in Jeopardy?; AWE Op-ed in Resilience Matters: Action in an Age of Uncertainty; Next Webinar on April 16 in AWE’s Exemplary Programs Series; and much more.

20-1 #84 WEW January 2020 - AWE Launches Drought Restrictions Study; The Latest with President Trump and Water Efficient Fixtures; New Rebate Membership Offering – WaterWays; Thank you to our Holiday Giving Campaign donors; Practical Plumbing Handbook; USBR WaterSMART Program Funding Opportunities; and much more.


19-11 #83 WEW November 2019 - Water Efficiency in Congress; AWE Signs Multiple Showerhead MOU with PMI; AMI Project Update and November 21 Webinar; AWE Water Star Award winner: Kathy Nguyen; Revising the AWE Tracking Tool; Update on AWE’s Cooling Technology Study; and much more. 

19-9 #82 WEW September 2019 - AWE Launches New and Improved Website; WaterSmart Innovations 2019 Preview and AWE Annual Member Meetings; AWE Survey on Research Priorities; AWE’s Advocacy Efforts on WaterSense Program and Tax-Exempt Rebates for Water Efficiency and Conservation; and much more.

19-7 #81 WEW July 2019 - Nevada passes water efficiency legislation in response to AWE scorecard; US Chamber joins effort to secure WaterSense funding and tax-free rebates; Newsletter founder and editor Peter Mayer steps down after 18 years; AWE member spotlight on the City of Sacramento; AWE member news; and much more.

19-5 #80 WEW May 2019 - WaterSense on the chopping block again; WaterSense new home specification; Illinois conservation funding; American Water Works Association Water Science; Imperial Irrigation District sues to stop the Drought Contingency Plans; New AWE report on water loss policies; Southern Nevada Water Authority rebates home leak detection devices; AWE member news; and much more.

19-2 #79 WEW February 2019 - AWE Landscape Transformation Study released with major findings; WaterSense to review five major specifications; WaterSense pool cover Notice of Intent; Colorado River; AWE Colorado River State Scorecard; Melissa Elliott elected president of American Water Works Association; and much more.

For Water Efficiency Watch newsletter articles, pre-2019, contact us to make your request.