Bringing Water Savings to Your Community with WaterSense Labeled Homes

Published: October 18, 2023

On Wednesday, October 18, AWE hosted a webinar with EPA WaterSense to highlight how changes to the program open new opportunities for builders and communities that are looking to meet the demand for water and sustain growth in their communities. We shared an overview of the WaterSense labeled homes certification process, how WaterSense-labeled homes use less water outdoors, and local governments' incentives for water-efficient homes.

Speakers: Jonah Schein, National Program Manager for Homes & Buildings, EPA WaterSense; Olga Cano, Environmental Engineer, EPA WaterSense; and Sara Lavoy, Environmental Protection Specialist, EPA WaterSense

Ensuring One Water Works for All: Opportunities for Realizing Water Reuse in Affordable Housing

Published: July 27, 2022

Join AWE and the Water and Planning Network for an informative webinar on the new report published by the National Wildlife Federation on Ensuring One Water Works for All: Opportunities for Realizing Water Reuse in Affordable Housing. This report concludes that strategic integration of onsite water reuse can provide lasting financial and quality-of-life benefits to affordable housing residents and owners, and that inclusion of onsite reuse can also help spread a degree of climate resilience to urban populations that are often passed-over in commercial water reuse and green infrastructure initiatives.

The report acknowledges and describes the dual challenge of providing affordable housing and resilient water supply. It outlines the benefits of onsite reuse, the barriers and opportunities for expanding (onsite non–potable) water reuse, and includes specific recommendations for cities, utilities, and developers, as well as a wealth of case studies of existing affordable housing projects that have successfully integrated onsite water reuse.

Inclusion of onsite reuse into affordable housing developments represents an ideal opportunity to put One Water’s equity principles into immediate, productive practice.