32 Congressional Reps Ask for Water Conservation Rebates to be Tax Exempt

Published: June 7, 2019

Update: The Alliance for Water Efficiency has been working hard, along with a number of other organizations, to get an amendment to the tax code to make water conservation rebates exempt from federal income tax. On Friday, December 11, 2015, a letter signed by 32 Congressional Representatives asking for this amendment was sent to the IRS and the Department of the Treasury. 


Urgent, Act Now! Tell Congress to Make Water Conservation Rebates Tax-Exempt  


We need AWE members and supporters to act right now in urging congressional leaders to change federal tax law so that rebates and credits for water conservation and green infrastructure projects remain tax-free for recipients. 

AWE is part of an ad-hoc coalition of water conservation groups and water-supply entities seeking such a change, and there is recent progress toward including it in the massive bill to fund government programs for the coming year. Changing the tax treatment of water conservation rebates would give them the same treatment that energy rebates receive under the tax code.

But we need your support for this important issue. Please e-mail Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy urging them to support this change. You can find their e-mail addresses and a proposed letter of support here.

Please don’t wait. There are only a couple of weeks left before Congress adjourns for the year and this opportunity is lost.