Linking community development to water resources has never been more important. Join planners from across the country to learn about all the stages of incorporating water into the comprehensive planning process. Erin Rugland of the Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy will walk through the logistics of integrating water into a plan, drawing on knowledge from several Southwest states. Manohar Patole (LLM, MUP), New York University, and Rachelle Sanderson (CC-P), Capital Region Planning Commission of Louisiana, will describe the work currently underway by the Capital Region Planning Commission on the development and implementation of a governance model for basin management and planning of Watershed 7 of the Louisiana Watershed Initiative (an initiative towards managing future flood risk in Louisiana through watershed-based solutions). Melissa Dickens, AICP, of the Hillsborough County Planning Commission in Tampa Bay will showcase the Hillsborough County One Water Chapter and how to develop implementable water resources comprehensive plan language in coordination with technical experts.
Erin Rugland, Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy; Manohar Patole (LLM, MUP), New York University; Rachelle Sanderson (CC-P), Capital Region Planning Commission of Louisiana; Melissa Dickens, AICP, Hillsborough County Planning Commission (Tampa Bay).