Our Mission

The Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) promotes the efficient and sustainable use of water. Partnering with over 500 member organizations, AWE champions water conservation, stewardship, and efficiency across North America.

Our Vision

We are building stronger, more resilient communities, businesses, and ecosystems alongside our members and partners.

Our Sustainable Water Vision for 2030 envisions a world where water is properly valued in every form and proactively, efficiently, and sustainably managed throughout its entire cycle—from the water provider to the tap and back into our waterways. For more details, visit our Strategic Plans page.

our mission

Why Sustainable Water Use?

It Builds Resilient Communities

Conservation and efficiency help ensure that water is available when disaster hits – and in the long-term to support healthy local economies.

It Saves Money

Water conservation is the least expensive supply source compared to options like new sources, recycled water, or desalination. Our research proves saving water keeps utility costs down.

It Preserves the Environment

Efficiency leaves water in our rivers, lakes, and aquifers to support healthy watersheds and sustain wildlife habitats.

Our Members

AWE’s extensive network of over 500 organizational members brings together stakeholders committed to this shared purpose, including municipalities, industry leaders, government agencies, non-profits, researchers, and more. Whether you are working to advance water efficiency in your industry, community, or region, we provide your organization the resources you need to achieve your goals and more effectively steward your water resources.

Our Values

DEIJ Committment

The Alliance for Water Efficiency staff and Board of Directors firmly believe that access to safe, reliable, and affordable water is a fundamental human right, and water efficiency is vital to realizing this vision. By promoting sustainable use of water resources and addressing affordability issues, water efficiency also supports environmental preservation and equitable access to water.

We define water equity as “occurring when everyone has access to clean, safe, affordable drinking water and wastewater services; is resilient in the face of floods, drought, and other climate risks; has a role in decision-making processes related to water management in their communities; and shares in the economic, social, and environmental benefits of water systems.”

As we progress towards integrating Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) into our core operations, we acknowledge that these values are crucial for achieving a sustainable and inclusive water future. We are dedicated to embedding DEIJ into every aspect of our work, recognizing that this approach will enhance our effectiveness and build trust with the diverse communities we serve.

We are committed to creating a culture where DEIJ is not just a set of principles left on the shelf but a consistent, guiding force in our work. This commitment is reflected in our focus on actively involving underrepresented voices in all levels of decision-making and seeking partnerships with institutions that serve these communities. Emphasizing transparency and ongoing dialogue, we strive to build an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives are valued and members and partners can engage openly. We acknowledge the challenges in this transformative process but remain dedicated to making consistent, meaningful progress, understanding that actual change requires sustained effort, reflection, and a willingness to learn from our mistakes.

Equity is a guiding value in our work. In recent years, much of our equity-focused work has centered on advancing water affordability strategies to ensure that low-to-moderate-income residents across North America have consistent, affordable access to critical water resources.

Guiding Principles

Conserving water and using it efficiently is vital to ensuring that water resources are available now and in the future to support healthy economies, ecosystems, communities, and individuals.

To this end, we are guided by the following principles in our research, advocacy, outreach, and educational efforts:

  • There are significant opportunities to enhance water efficiency and conservation.
  • Everyone has a responsibility to use water efficiently and avoid waste.
  • Saving water helps save money and reduces future water supply and infrastructure costs.
  • Water conservation helps save energy and mitigates climate change impacts.
  • Maintaining the natural, sustainable function of our water resources is essential for their continued use by all living things now and in the future.
  • Best management practices in water efficiency and conservation are crucial for restoring impaired water resources.
  • Water efficiency and conservation are fundamental tools in resource planning and should be considered equally with other means of meeting water needs.
  • Cost-effective water efficiency and conservation options should be maximized before developing new water sources.
  • Water supply and water/wastewater services should be priced to cover the full cost of development, treatment, and distribution, including depreciation.

In all our efforts, we strive to:

  • Engage all stakeholders involved in resource efficiency issues.
  • Build and promote positive and productive relationships among stakeholders.
  • Promote increased scientific rigor in analyzing and verifying water efficiency and conservation programs.
  • Develop and promote best management practices for water conservation that enhance water use efficiency.
  • Advocate for strong water efficiency codes, uniform standards, incentives, and policies.
  • Support the integration of the best available water efficiency technology, designs, and practices in all green building programs.
  • Serve as the premier source of information on water efficiency and conservation programs, products, and policies.
  • Achieve climate neutrality.

Cutting Edge Research

We conduct research on diverse water efficiency issues to advance investments in sustainable water management. Our reports highlight and uncover water efficiency opportunities, barriers, and challenges. We work with partners to design, plan, and execute groundbreaking research projects tackling important issues practitioners need including outdoor water use, the water-energy nexus, water loss, and drought.

Resources & Tools

We maintain a curated, comprehensive resource library of water efficiency best practices, research, codes and standards, and more. Our state-of-the-art tools help water sustainability professionals be thoughtful water stewards and leaders in their communities. We also provide technical assistance to practitioners to help them navigate everyday needs and tackle long-term challenges.

Policy Advocacy

We believe water efficiency and conservation should be a leading policy priority in North America. The sustainable use of water contributes to healthy communities and healthy economies, helps citizens and businesses save money, and supports strong ecosystems. We promote legislation, policy, and standards to support investments in water-efficient products and programs.


Education & Awareness

We bring together North America’s leading network of thinkers, decision-makers, and pioneers to connect and exchange ideas. Through webinars, workshops, and professional development opportunities, we equip new water practitioners with the knowledge necessary to effectively lead water efficiency programs and keep seasoned professionals at the top of their game.