AWE/CalWEP Report: Advancing Water Resource Management Through Team Collaboration

Published: July 15, 2022

Collaboration between the conservation and operation departments in water utilities is key to improving water conservation, mitigating water loss, and developing programs that will benefit the whole service area of a water utility. A strong relationship between the two departments can greatly bolster the success and lead to better management of the utility’s water and energy resources.

CalWEP and AWE interviewed staff members from the conservation departments of three utilities who have successfully navigated this kind of collaboration in their organizations: Moulton Niguel Water District and East Bay Municipal Utility District in California and Austin Water in Texas. Our findings are summarized in a new report, Advancing Water Resource Management Through Team Collaboration. Click here  to download the report.

CalWEP and AWE will be hosting a webinar on August 23 at 1 p.m. CDT highlighting successful team collaboration at the three spotlighted water agencies in the report. Click here  to learn more and to register.