Department of Energy Final Rules Slash Efficiency Standards
Published: December 16, 2020
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
announced a final rule yesterday that adopts a revised definition for "showerhead," and separate definitions for "body spray" and "safety shower showerhead". These products are exempt from current efficiency standards, meaning that the shower in this picture will now be legal. Click here
to view the full text of the final showerhead rule.
This rule was opposed by AWE and 60 undersigned organizations–including water utilities, manufacturers, local governments and non-profits–in a letter filed in October.
Furthermore, an additional rule announced that certain clothes washers and dryers will now be able to use unlimited energy and water. This rule, which was opposed by AWE and 58 undersigned organizations in a comment letter filed in October, establishes separate "product classes" for clothes washers and dryers with a short cycle as the "normal cycle."
This troubling new rule will open the door to wasteful products because washers and dryers in this product class will not be subject to any energy or water efficiency regulations. Click here to view the full text of the final clothes washer rule.
Click here to learn more about AWE's efforts to oppose this attack on water efficient appliances. We will continue to monitor this issue, and will be reaching out to the incoming Biden Administration to advocate for a reversal of these rules.
Click here for a blog post from the Natural Resources Defense Council outlining the flaws in these rules.