DOE Finalizes Rules to Reverse Weakened Standards for Showerheads, Dishwashers and Clotheswashers

Published: February 2, 2022

The Alliance for Water Efficiency is praising the Department of Energy (DOE) for reversing Trump-era rulemakings that undermined water efficiency standards. Final rules were adopted on December 20, 2021, to reverse weakened showerhead standards, and on January 19, 2022, to reverse weakened standards for dishwashers and clothes washers.

AWE had rallied our network to oppose the weakened standards and filed a lawsuit when the rules were adopted over our objections. "AWE and our partners are thrilled to see water efficiency standards restored for showerheads, clothes washers, and dishwashers," said AWE President and CEO, Ron Burke. "As climate change continues to threaten water reliability and affordability, these misguided rules could have wasted billions of gallons of water and significantly raised customers' water bills."

AWE would like to thank Keith Bradley of Squire Patton Boggs, whose pro bono work on AWE's litigation helped achieve this result.

Click here to learn more from the Federal Register.