Roxborough Water & Sanitation District (RWSD), nestled in the foothills of the Rockies southwest Denver, is a water and wastewater utility serving over 11,000 customers. RWSD’s number one priority is providing safe, reliable, great tasting water to the community, and efficient wastewater collection and transmission to protect public health and the environment.
Leander lies on the northeast edge of Texas’ Hill Country, roughly ten miles due west of Interstate 35 on US 183, just north of Austin TX. Since 2000, the community has grown from 7,600 residents to more than 30,000 in 2010. This makes Leander the 37th fastest-growing City in the United States (US Census Bureau, 2009).
With 150,000 residents, today the City of Hayward is the sixth-largest city in the Bay Area and a thriving regional center of commerce, manufacturing activity and trade. Known as the "Heart of the Bay,"
Peoria was formally incorporated in 1954. Today, with a population of more than 191,000 (2020 Census), Peoria continues to grow and prosper.
The Fort Collins-Loveland Water has provided the full spectrum of water treatment and distribution to businesses and citizens in parts of Fort Collins, Loveland, Timnath, Windsor and Larimer County since 1961.
Cornwall is one of the largest cities in Eastern Ontario. It is also one of the oldest settlements in Canada, located on the St. Lawrence River. The water department serves approximately 18,000 connections.
The City of Thousand Oaks is located in between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara in Ventura County. Thousand Oaks is nestled against the Santa Monica Mountains with over 15,000 acres of natural, publicly owned open space located within the City’s boundaries.
SUEZ Water New York provides water and waste recycling services to 120,000 people in the New York area. The compnay's mission is to deliver these services safely and cost-effectively, while positively impacting local communities.
The City of Livermore Water Resources Division's mission is to protect public health and the environment by providing safe, effective, and reliable drinking water, wastewater, recycled water, and stormwater management services.
Milpitas is a city in Santa Clara County, California, in Silicon Valley. City of Milpitas Public Works is dedicated to providing water services to over 76,000 customers.
The City of St. Helena is located in the center of the world-famous wine-growing Napa Valley, 65 miles north of San Francisco. The Water Treatment Division of the Public Works Department provides water from three sources: Bell Canyon Reservoir, Stonebridge Wells and water purchased from the City of Napa. The Water Distribution Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for the distribution portion of the City's water system, providing water to users at all times at pressures and quantities required.
The Yuba City Public Works – Utilities Department is responsible for the treatment, distribution and discharge of the City’s water and sewer utilities through the operation of the Water Treatment Plant, Wastewater Treatment Facility, and Laboratory.
East Valley Water District is a County District formed in 1954 through an election by local residents who wanted water service by a public agency. Originally called the East San Bernardino County Water District, the name was changed to East Valley Water District in 1982.
The district was originally formed to provide domestic water service to the unincorporated and agricultural-based communities of Highland and East Highlands. Later, as the population increased, the need for a modern sewer system to replace existing septic tanks became apparent. The residents voted to give East Valley Water District the responsibility for their sewer system, as they did earlier with their water service.
Over the years, some of the district's service area was annexed to the City of San Bernardino. Water service remained with the District, however.
Colton sits on one of the largest potable aquifers in the State of California, therefore, 100% of the city's water comes from deep water wells. Colton's existing potable water system facilities consist of 10 wells, 4 main booster pumping plants, 6 water storage reservoirs, 2 pressure reducing facilities, and over 120 miles of water transmission and distribution pipelines.
Texas Water Company is a state-regulated investor owned utility providing water service to approximately 36,000 people through more than 13,400 connections in Comal and southern Blanco Counties. On May 31, 2006, the utility became part of the SJW Corp. and a member of the San Jose Water family via the purchase of Canyon Lake Water Supply Corporation by SJWTX, Inc.
The Los Osos Community Services District provides the best possible services to the community of Los Osos including water, drainage, parks and recreation, street lighting for Vista De Oro and Bayridge Estates, fire emergency and rescue response.
Winter Haven Water has 21 production wells, 9 water plants, 2 wastewater plants, about 500 miles of water mains and 330 miles of wastewater mains. They proudly serve approximately 35,000 utility accounts in the greater Winter Haven Area.
Central Arkansas Water's mission is to enhance the quality of life for Central Arkansas by delivering high-quality water and dependable service that exceeds customer expectations; protecting and ensuring a long-term water supply for future generations; and serving as responsible stewards of public health, utility resources, and the environment.
Stonegate Village Metropolitan District (SVMD) is a governmental entity that was formed per Title 32 of the Colorado Revised State Statutes to perform specific services for the residents and businesses located within the District boundaries. The District is located in unincorporated Douglas County and is approximately 639 acres in size. The SVMD is responsible for and oversees the provision of potable water and wastewater.
The Rangeview Metropolitan District is a title 32 quasi municipal, political subdivision of the State of Colorado formed in 1986. Rangeview was organized to develop water resources, water systems and facilities, wastewater collection and treatment facilities for customers in its service area. The Rangeview service area covers approximately 40 square miles or approximately 24,000 acres of the Lowry Range. The Lowry Range is located in Southeastern Arapahoe County.
Pinery Water & Wastewater District serves the communities of the Pinery, Timbers, Misty Pines, Pinery Glen, High Prairie Farms, Pradera, Vistancia, and Colorado Golf Club. There are currently about 4300 residential customers, 90 large irrigator and commercial customers.
Established in 1962, Parker Water and Sanitation District has always been proactive in its objectives to provide an ever-growing population with a secure and long-term, high-quality water service. Today, through the construction of the Rueter-Hess Reservoir, the building of District's water purification facility, and collaborative partnerships, the District is determined to continue meeting demands by developing the necessary infrastructure to acquire, treat, store, and distribute water to all of its customers.
The Meridian Service Metropolitan District is the “Service District” providing the water, wastewater (sanitation sewer) services, parks, trails, recreation facilities, and streetlights for the Meridian Ranch Community.
The Inverness Water and Sanitation District provides water and wastewater services to the businesses and residents of the Inverness Community. The District's operating objectives include:
- Provide reliable, safe, high quality drinking water to customers.
- Maximize the use of sustainable (renewable) water sources.
- Maximize the re-use of treated wastewater to meet irrigation demands.
- Encourage conservation through education, incentives and conservation based pricing.
Dominion was formed as part of the County’s vision to bring renewable water and access to centralized wastewater service to Northwest Douglas County. Dominion is building an integrated system that fully and efficiently utilizes its resources. By strategically partnering, planning for both long and short term, and integrating technology, Dominion is developing a reliable system for cost-effective service.
The Cottonwood Water & Sanitation District (CWSD), is classified as a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Colorado. The District was formed in 1981 and the business is run by a five-member, volunteer Board of Directors.
Centennial Water & Sanitation District is the water and wastewater provider in Highlands Ranch. Centennial Water provides high quality water through the state-of-the-art Joseph B. Blake Water Treatment Plant located in Highlands Ranch. Centennial Water strives to ensure that water resources are used wisely, with a strategy to optimize the use of surface water. Over the past 25 years 90 percent of the water supplied has come from renewable river supplies.
Castle Rock Water is municipally-owned and provides three distinct water services: Drinking water, wastewater and stormwater.
The Castle Pines North Metropolitan District (CPNMD) is a special district that was established in 1984. The Metro District provides water, wastewater and stormwater services, and oversees the District-owned 352 acres of open space, 14 miles of trails, and three parks within the community. The Metro District currently serves the Castle Pines North population of nearly 10,000, and has more than 3,200 residential and business customers.