Washington County Water Conservancy District

Published: July 1, 2021

Washington County Water Conservancy District, a not-for-profit public agency, was established in 1962 to manage Washington County’s water needs. It’s charged with conserving, developing, managing, and stabilizing water supplies within the county in an ongoing effort to provide a safe, sustainable water supply for current and future generations.

South Metro Water Supply Authority

Published: October 30, 2020

South Metro Water Supply Authority is a partnership of 13 water providers int he south metro region of Denver. These providers joined forces in 2004 out of the need to shift the region away from reliance on non-renewable underground water supply and toward supplies that replenish with every year’s snowmelt. Rather than doing so on their own, however, they knew that by coming together and partnering on projects and initiatives, they would be more effective and their customers would benefit from greater efficiencies and economies of scale.

Northern Water

Published: September 1, 2020

With growth continuing in Northeastern Colorado, Northern Water now serves more than 1 million residents within its service area. This area encompasses 1.6 million areas in portions of eight counties: Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer, Logan, Morgan, Sedgwick, Washington and Weld.

Northern Water provides cities, towns, rural-domestic water districts and industries with year-round water deliveries. Furthermore, during the primary growing season between April and October, they also deliver water to more than 120 ditch, reservoir and irrigation companies serving thousands of farms and more than 500,000 acres.

Calleguas Municipal Water District

Published: January 24, 2020

Calleguas’ primary job is importing and distributing water from Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, water that arrives via the State Water Project from northern California. Roughly three quarters of Ventura County residents use water purchased by their retail purveyors from Calleguas’ distribution system.

Three Valleys Municipal Water District

Published: October 8, 2019

Three Valleys Municipal Water District was established in 1950 by a vote of the people. Originally called the Pomona Valley Municipal Water District, the name was changed in 1981 to better reflect the areas served: the Pomona, Walnut and eastern San Gabriel Valleys. Today, the District's service area covers 133 square miles.

San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District

Published: June 21, 2019

San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District) was formed in 1954 as a regional agency to plan a long-range water supply for the San Bernardino Valley. It imports water into its service area through participation in the State Water Project (SWP) and manages groundwater storage within its boundaries. Valley District covers about 353 square miles in southwestern San Bernardino County, about 60 miles east of Los Angeles, and has a population of about 698,000.

Kern County Water Agency

Published: August 23, 2018

The Kern County Water Agency (Agency) was created in 1961 by a special act of the California State Legislature and serves as the local contracting entity for the State Water Project. The Agency participates in a wide scope of water management activities, including water quality, flood control and groundwater operations to preserve and enhance Kern County’s water supply—the main ingredient for the well-being of an economy.

Foothill Municipal Water District

Published: June 14, 2018

Foothill Municipal Water District (FMWD or Foothill) incorporated on January 7, 1952 to help meet the increased water needs of the rapidly growing foothill communities following the end of World War II. Foothill Municipal Water District covers about 22 square miles in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains, bordered between the City of Pasadena on the east and the City of Glendale on the south and west. The District serves approximately 80,000 people through its own member agencies.

Orange County Water District

Published: March 4, 2018

The Orange County Water District (OCWD) is an internationally recognized leader in the water industry and its international reach is growing. OCWD takes the limited water supply found in nature and supplements it to provide water for more than 2.5 million people in Orange County, California. Since 1933, when the California State Legislature formed it, OCWD has been entrusted to guard the region's groundwater basin.

Municipal Water District of Orange County

Published: March 1, 2018

The MWDOC's mission is to provide reliable, high-quality supplies from Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and other sources to meet present and future needs at an equitable and economical cost, and to promote water use efficiency for all of Orange County.

Mojave Water Agency


The MWA's boundaries encompass approximately 4,900 square miles of the High Desert in San Bernardino County. As a state water contractor, MWA is entitled to receive an annual allotment of up to 85,800 acre feet of water from the State Water Project via the California Aqueduct. This facility extends south from the Sacramento Delta and runs locally through the communities of Baldy Mesa and Hesperia.

Withlacoochee Regional Water Supply Authority

Published: April 30, 2017

The Withlacoochee Regional Water Supply Authority (WRWSA) is a multi-county special district of the State of Florida charged with planning for and developing cost-efficient, high-quality water supplies for its member governments. WRWSA promotes environmental stewardship through its water conservation programs and will develop alternative water sources when necessary to augment traditional water supplies to meet the region’s long-term needs.

Solano County Water Agency

Published: March 28, 2016

Solano County Water Agency is a wholesale water supply agency providing untreated water to cities and agricultural districts in Solano County from the Federal Solano Project and the North Bay Aqueduct of the Water Project. In addition, the agency performs flood management as well as habitat conservation activities.

Zone 7 Water Agency

Published: April 30, 2014

Zone 7 Water Agency is committed to providing a reliable supply of high quality water and an effective flood control system to the Livermore-Amador Valley.

Upper Trinity Regional Water District

Published: April 17, 2013

UTRWD’s mission is to plan, develop and manage water and wastewater services in the interest of members, using consensus based strategies that are environmentally and economically sound.

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

Published: February 28, 2012

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority is a public authority established by an act of the Legislature in 1984 to provide wholesale water and sewer services to 3.1 million people and more than 5,500 large industrial users in 61 metropolitan Boston communities.

Capital Regional District

Published: November 6, 2011

The Capital Regional District (CRD) was incorporated in 1966 to provide regional decision-making on issues that transcend municipal boundaries and to enable effective service delivery to residents. Today, the CRD is the regional government for 13 municipalities and three electoral areas on southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, serving more than 392,000 citizens.

Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District

Published: April 17, 2011

Upper District is a special district formed by the region’s voters on December 8, 1959 to help sustain adequate water supplies in the rapidly-developing San Gabriel Valley. The District was incorporated shortly thereafter on January 7, 1960. On March 12, 1963, residents within Upper District’s service area voted to annex to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD).

Valley Water

Published: March 20, 2011

Founded in 1929, Valley Water (formerly the Santa Clara Valley Water District), provides safe, clean water; flood protection; and stewardship of streams.

Melbourne Water

Published: March 1, 2010

Melbourne Water is a statutory authority owned by the Victorian Government. They manage and protect Melbourne’s major water resources on behalf of the community. As a leader in world class integrated water, sewerage, waterways and amenity management, they're committed to making sure the city continues to thrive while adapting to climate change, urbanisation and population growth.

Cascade Water Alliance

Published: November 14, 2008

Cascade is a municipal corporation comprised of seven municipalities (five cities and two water and sewer districts) in the Puget Sound region that joined together to provide safe, clean, reliable water supply to its 380,000 residences and more than 20,000 businesses.

West Basin Municipal Water District

Published: April 25, 2008

West Basin Municipal Water District is a wholesale water agency that provides imported drinking water to 17 cities and unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County throughout its 185 square mile service area. An innovative public agency, West Basin is a recognized leader in the production of recycled water, conservation and education programs.

Tarrant Regional Water District

Published: April 5, 2008

Since 1924, the Tarrant Regional Water District has provided quality water to its customers, implemented vital flood protection measures, and created recreational opportunities for Tarrant County residents and communities.

Tampa Bay Water


Tampa Bay Water was created in 1998 after a two-year process that resulted in contracts and legislation that changed the name, structure and operations of the West Coast Regional Water Supply Authority. Today, the region is served by a combination of groundwater, river water and desalinated seawater, which has reduced wellfield pumping by more than 50 percent since 1998.

Southern Nevada Water Authority

Published: April 2, 2008

Collectively, SNWA member agencies serve more than 2.1 million residents in Southern Nevada. As the wholesale water provider, SNWA is responsible for water treatment and delivery, as well as acquiring and managing long-term water resources for Southern Nevada.

Sonoma Water

Published: March 28, 2008

The mission of the Sonoma Water (formerly the Sonoma County Water Agency) is to effectively manage the water resources in their care for the benefit of people and the environment through resource and environmental stewardship, technical innovation, and responsible fiscal management.

San Diego County Water Authority

Published: March 19, 2008

The San Diego County Water Authority sustains a $231 billion regional economy and the quality of life for 3.3 million residents through a multi-decade water supply diversification plan, major infrastructure investments and forward-thinking policies that promote fiscal and environmental responsibility. A public agency created in 1944, the Water Authority delivers a safe and reliable wholesale water supply at an affordable cost to 24 retail water agencies, including cities, special districts and a military base.

North Texas Municipal Water District

Published: March 4, 2008

Since its inception more than six decades ago, NTMWD has collaborated with North Texas cities and communities on the design and operation of systems. The ten original Member Cities are: Farmersville, Forney, Garland, McKinney, Mesquite, Princeton, Plano, Rockwall, Royse City, and Wylie. Richardson joined as a Member City in 1973, Allen in 1998, and Frisco in 2001. This regional partnership has reduced costs, facilitated access to water, wastewater and solid waste services to communities large and small, and streamlined service delivery.

In Partnership with AWE

NTMWD was featured in AWE's Exemplary Programs Series webinar, School and Youth Conservation Programs to Educate Tomorrow's Water Warriors. Click here to watch the webinar and download the presentation. Contact: Denise Hickey, Water Resource Program & Public Education Manager.

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

Published: January 30, 2008

Metropolitan built and maintains a water supply system that is the cornerstone of the region’s $1 trillion economy. As the nation’s largest municipal water provider, Metropolitan owns and operates five separate treatment plants, among the largest in the world. The district’s complex network of pipelines and facilities consistently delivers high quality water throughout its 5,200 square mile service area. Rigorous maintenance and regular capital investments ensure Metropolitan’s customers benefit from reliable service and advancements in water supply and water quality technology, including state-of-the-art treatment upgrades.

Lower Colorado River Authority

Published: January 17, 2008

LCRA provides many vital services to Texans, including delivering electricity, managing the water supply and environment of the lower Colorado River basin, providing public recreation areas, and supporting community development. LCRA’s mission is to enhance the quality of life of Texans through water stewardship, energy and community service.

Inland Empire Utilities Agency

Published: January 8, 2008

Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) is a regional wastewater treatment agency and wholesale distributor of imported water. Today, IEUA is responsible for serving approximately 875,000 people over 242 square miles in western San Bernardino County.