
DOE Sides with AWE in Revoking Standards for Dishwashers, Washers and Dryers that Undermine Water Efficiency

Submitted on August 3, 2021

Today the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) once again praised the Department of Energy (DOE) for proposing to undo Trump-era rules that slashed efficiency standards. The previous Administration’s DOE created separate “product classes” for dishwashers, clothes washers, and dryers that...


DOE Proposal would Reverse Weakened Showerhead Standard, Aligns with AWE Lawsuit

Submitted on July 16, 2021

Today the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) praised a Department of Energy (DOE) proposal to reverse changes to the federal definition of showerhead made under former President Trump that would have skirted federal standards adopted in 1994 that required showerheads...


Water Efficiency Watch – July 2021

Submitted on July 16, 2021

In this issue of Water Efficiency Watch: WaterSmart Innovations Conference and AWE Meetings AWE Launches Pilot Program for Whole-Home Flow Monitoring Devices and Smart Irrigation Controllers AWE Sends Letter Asking for Water Efficiency Funding New G480 Water Conservation Standard AWE...


Nationwide (Excluding California) Direct Distribution Pilot Programs: RFPs Released

Submitted on July 6, 2021

The Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) has released two Requests for Proposals for nationwide (excluding California) direct distribution pilot programs covering whole-home flow monitoring devices and smart irrigation controllers.  Building on the success of other state and regional direct distribution...


House Passes INVEST in America Act with Water Infrastructure Funding

Submitted on July 2, 2021

On July 1st the U.S. House of Representatives passed the $715 billion INVEST in America Act,  with funding for transportation and water infrastructure. Although this bill does not include new water efficiency grant funding that AWE has recommended, it does include significant...