
Resisting the Fix: Pushing Back on the Impulse to Raise Fixed Water Charges

Submitted on February 28, 2017

By Janice A. Beecher, Ph.D. Director, Institute of Public Utilities, Michigan State University In the wake of flat or falling sales revenues, many a water (and energy) utility have turned to the idea of raising fixed charges. This might seem...


Ten Reasons Why Water Utilities Resist Looking for Non-Revenue Water

Submitted on February 29, 2016

Submitted by Mary Ann Dickinson, President and CEO Utilities nationwide are facing incredible costs to upgrade aging and inadequate infrastructure and address challenges related to drinking water, wastewater, and storm water management – estimated at $600 billion by the EPA or up to $1...


Understanding Your Return on Investment: The Importance of Avoided Costs in Water Efficiency Program Evaluation

Submitted on March 15, 2013

Every water provider faces a unique set of circumstances that determine whether or not water efficiency programs will be cost-effective. What works for one water utility may or may not work for another. This is particularly true in regard to current and...