To promote water conservation literacy among the next generation of water customers, AWE developed Learning Landscapes: Outdoor Water Efficiency and Conservation Lessons. Developed by two professional educators, Kenneth Mirvis, Ed.D. of The Writing Company and Greg Beach, M.Ed. of Atlanta Public Schools, these lessons are designed to be used by educators of grades 3-8 and align with the associated Next Generation Science Standards.

The Lessons aim to educate students on the importance of understanding and conserving our water resources and using water efficiently outdoors. The three Learning Landscapes Lessons can be used together or independently and will ideally connect to an existing educational landscape where educators can bring students to complete hands-on, water-focused activities.

Topics covered by the Lessons include where water comes from, the variety of uses for water, the water cycle, how different plants are suited for different weather and climate zones, how plants use water, and more.

Click here to request the Learning Landscapes Lessons.

The Alliance for Water Efficiency would like to thank Nate Conroy of STEMhero, Angie Marcus of Cobb County Water System, and Jennifer Riley-Chetwynd of Denver Botanic Gardens for their invaluable pre-publication review of the Learning Landscapes Lessons. AWE also thanks The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation for providing the generous funding that made these lessons possible.