An informative webinar on how to benefit from AWE’s free water usage calculator and provide useful information for your customers.  The calculator, a main feature of AWE’s consumer-oriented Home Water Works website, is a fun, user-friendly, and accurate way for your customers to calculate their own household water use and how to become more efficient.  AWE has developed program ideas for how to use this calculator in your conservation programs, and has further developed ways that the calculator can be customized to fit your specific program objectives.  This webinar provides background information on how the calculator is structured, what it can provide to you, and how to best utilize it in your conservation programs.  It also presents options for possible customization.


Mary Ann Dickinson, President and CEO, Alliance for Water Efficiency; Peter Mayer, Principal, Water Demand Management; Steve Whitesell, CEO, Radian Technical Marketing

Date: July 2014