Sign AWE’s Petition for Increased Water Efficiency Funding

Published: June 21, 2021

**Petition Closed**

Please sign this petition from the Alliance for Water Efficiency asking Congress to take the nation's water crisis seriously by including significant water efficiency funding in infrastructure legislation.

With the current drought already impacting over 90 million people in the U.S. and with water scarcity likely to get worse because of population growth and climate change, there is an urgent need for Congress to act.

While the federal government has made significant investments in energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) over the years to address the nation's energy challenges, parallel investments have not been made in water efficiency and water reuse despite the increasingly urgent need to conserve water. Between 2000 and 2020, federal EERE investments dwarfed federal investments in water efficiency and water reuse by a ratio of approximately 80 to 1.

Water efficiency and conservation helps ensure access to clean, affordable water and tackles climate change by reducing the amount of energy used to heat, pump, and treat water, which in turn reduces emissions of heat-trapping carbon dioxide.

Using less water also helps protect our rivers, bays, and aquifers, and it saves consumers money. Water efficient plumbing products can save an average family hundreds of dollars each year. This is especially important today with COVID leaving millions of Americans unable to pay water bills.

Click here to learn more and to sign the petition. We greatly appreciate your support!

Thank you,

Ron Burke
President and CEO
Alliance for Water Efficiency