Two Major U.S. Water-Efficiency Organizations to Form Partnership

Published: June 6, 2019

The California Water Efficiency Partnership (CalWEP)  and Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) announced that they are forming a new partnership, bringing together two of the country’s major organizations dedicated to improving and enhancing water efficiency in California and the United States. 

Beginning January 1, 2018, the CalWEP will become a chapter of the Alliance for Water Efficiency, the first in North America to do so. 

“This is an outstanding move for advancing water efficiency and conservation,” said Mary Ann Dickinson, who is serving as both the CalWEP Transition Executive Director and AWE President & CEO. “The alignment of these two major organizations provides new focus, unity and resources to advancing water efficiency and leverages each organization’s investments.” 

The move comes as the CalWEP, formerly the California Urban Water Conservation Council, undergoes an organizational transformation, from implementing 25-year old best management practices on water conservation into a new entity focused on helping water providers meet emerging legislative and regulatory mandates for Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life. 

“As a chapter of the Alliance, CalWEP will have access to all of the resources that the Alliance offers but with a focus on addressing California’s unique issues and providing value to members and California water providers,” said Joe Berg, Chair of the CalWEP Board of Directors. “This new collaboration will allow both organizations to capitalize on the other’s capabilities and to develop programs and tools they otherwise might not have the capacity to accomplish.”

The two organizations currently share members and are collaborating on several projects. CalWEP recently unveiled a new logo that echoes the Alliance’s logo. The logo also includes elements to represent CalWEP’s focus on fostering collaboration among a wide variety of stakeholders. Swirls of blue represent the many voices within CalWEP, whose members include professionals in the water utility, business, non-profit and other sectors. 

The California Water Efficiency Partnership (formerly the California Urban Water Conservation Council) is an innovative leader, voice and expert on water efficiency in California that fosters collaboration among a wide variety of stakeholders.