The Plumbing Efficiency Research Coalition (PERC) announced the publication of the Phase 2.1 supplemental report on the drainline transport of solid waste in building drains. The Phase 2.1 report details the findings from additional work the Coalition was able to conduct using remaining funds carried over from the PERC 2.0 research study. The Drainline Transport of Solid Waste in Buildings – Phase 2.0 was originally released in September of 2015. The PERC 2.1 findings appear as a new appendix to the PERC 2.0 report.
The Phase 2.1 supplemental report focuses on two previously unaddressed areas of study — the implications surrounding dual flush toilet discharge patterns, comparing results to single volume flush toilets of comparable flush volume, and on the impact of drainline slope deviations on the transport of solid waste.