
Upcoming Webinars

Wednesday, September 11, 2024
3 PM EDT | 2 PM CDT | 1 PM MDT | 12 noon PDT
Join us to learn about AWE’s new advocacy efforts on “Water Affordability – Making the Case for a Federal Plumbing Repair and Efficiency Assistance Program (PREAP).”
Topics: Fixtures, Appliances, and Equipment | Residential (Including Multi-family) | Water Conservation Programs, Planning, & Evaluation | Water Rates

Past Webinars

Central Arkansas Water (CAW) hired a unique employee last year to bolster the utility’s distribution system leak detection capabilities. What makes this employee unique? She’s a black Labrador mix named Vessel.
The One Water approach offers tremendous opportunities for improving how water is managed within communities. Using water efficiently and taking advantage of diverse, locally available water supplies are important goals.
This course, split into two recorded sessions, is an overview of planning steps for a successful water conservation program.
In the latest edition of AWE's Exemplary Programs webinar series, learn how two of our members--El Paso Water and City of Santa Fe--are improving water efficiency in their communities' restaurants.
This webinar will summarize the findings of this recently released AWE report.
AWE's "Innovations in Efficiency" webinar series showcases businesses whose products and services advance water efficiency. In this edition, AWE members Radian Developers and Waterworth will present...
AWE has added a new member benefit: access to the WaterWays® Online Rebate Management Platform. Join us for this webinar where WaterWays® Founder Jonathan Kleinman and AWE CEO Mary Ann Dickinson will discuss how the rebate platform works.
Can onsite water reuse systems be successfully integrated with a community’s centralized treatment system? This presentation will discuss important lessons learned in San Francisco.
New Innovations in Efficiency webinar, looking into three technologies that have the potential to enhance residential water efficiency programs and how we approach water loss control.
Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law two new bills that will require urban water providers throughout California to set new permanent water use targets for their service areas by 2022. These bills provide a framework for setting water use targets...
The five-year update to AWE's Water Efficiency and Conservation State Scorecard has been released! This webinar addresses changes in state-level laws pertaining to efficiency and conservation.
This webinar focuses on unintended consequences to your water conservation programs that can end up being the “death” of your programs if not addressed properly
This webinar provides an overview of Version 3 of AWE's Water Conservation Tracking Tool, a state-of-the-art planning model used by water managers that can evaluate the water savings, costs and benefits of conservation programs.
"Demand hardening” is a concept that is usually defined as whether long-term increases in water-use efficiency can negatively impact an area’s ability to adapt to extended water shortages and further reduce demand.
This webinar showcases two AWE business members who are helping water utilities and businesses pursue water efficiency and safety through innovative Cooling Tower Management programs and technologies
