
Upcoming Webinars

Wednesday, September 11, 2024
3 PM EDT | 2 PM CDT | 1 PM MDT | 12 noon PDT
Join us to learn about AWE’s new advocacy efforts on “Water Affordability – Making the Case for a Federal Plumbing Repair and Efficiency Assistance Program (PREAP).”
Topics: Fixtures, Appliances, and Equipment | Residential (Including Multi-family) | Water Conservation Programs, Planning, & Evaluation | Water Rates

Past Webinars

An informative webinar on how to benefit from AWE’s free water usage calculator and provide useful information for your customers.
This webinar explores all elements of the G480 standard and discusses the activities that can be undertaken by a utility within its own operations to improve water use.
This webinar discusses a project from the Water Research Foundation (Project 4372) that will help managers analyze and reduce water utility system leakage in the most cost-effective way.
This webinar features the internationally recognized CII programs of City West Water in Melbourne, Australia.
This webinar presents innovative outdoor water conservation program ideas and examples that have been tested and proven successful through actual implementation. 
AWE’s Never Waste campaign is a consumer-facing educational campaign built around the idea of a water bottle to quantify and measure how much water we waste daily – and it’s free for member use! Learn about this campaign.
The National Alliance of State Broadcasters Associations (NASBA) offers great opportunities to distribute public education messages. Learn about how to explore and pursue this opportunity in your own state.
This webinar explores the options for water and energy utilities to work together, and provides guidance as well as specific examples of successful programs in the field.
A webinar providing new information on the Water-Energy Nexus, an issue that is more important than ever and increasingly drawing national attention in the wake of President Obama’s commitment to more sustainable resource management.
This webinar discusses the true causes of the current water utility revenue losses and provides guidance on how to consider conservation a financial asset to the utility and not a detriment.
AWE, with funding from the Great Lakes Protection Fund, assessed five representative industries within the Great Lakes watershed that are supplied with treated drinking water and that discharge to a local wastewater utility.
On November 26, 2012 the Plumbing Efficiency Research Coalition (PERC) released its long-awaited Phase 1 Study, Drainline Transport of Solid Waste in Buildings.
A webinar to introduce a consumer information campaign. Based on the concept of "never waste," the campaign emphasizes how much water is wasted during typical consumer actions and events.
This webinar introduced the final draft of the above titled state scorecard.
What does membership in the Alliance for Water Efficiency bring you? Hear about the myriad programs and products that the Alliance offers to its members.
